Pablo Villavicencio, an Ecuadorian national who gained all kinds of attention this past summer when he was detained after attempting to deliver food to an army base, was arrested in New York last week for allegedly pushing his wife against a wall, slapping her, and taking her phone to prevent her from reporting him for his abusive actions.

ABC 7 Eyewitness News and other outlets reported the details of the story late Monday afternoon.

“The past several months, including Pablo’s detention and threats of imminent deportation, have been traumatic for the Villavicencio family,” spokesman Redmond Haskins said in a statement reported by the New York Post.

“We are hopeful that this matter will be resolved and that Pablo will secure valid status with the continued assistance of our counsel,” the statement continued.

Villavicencio, 35, had been in the country illegally since 2008.

He had a standing deportation order since 2010 when he made his way into the national spotlight last June after delivering food to the Fort Hamilton Army base in Brooklyn.

He was held by Immigration and Customs Enforcement authorities in Kearny, New Jersey, for nearly two months before U.S. District Judge Paul Crotty, calling him a “model citizen,” ordered his release.

When the illegal immigrant was released from federal detention, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) called it a “victory for New Yorkers and for basic human rights.”

“There was absolutely no legitimate reason to lock up Mr. Villavicencio and take him from his wife and children, and I am relieved that he will finally be reunited with his family,” the governor continued in his July 24 statement.

Immigration attorney Cesar Vega said at the time, “Pablo is a family man. He’s a loving father, a loving husband, and the judge realized that.”

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Held in a Nassau County detention center on $500 bail as of Monday morning, the accused may skate on immigration detention, since the judge who freed him last summer put an end to his deportation proceedings so he could pursue legal residency, the Post reported.

Related: Suspected Illegal Immigrant, Driving Drunk, Crashes Her Car and Injures Four Kids

Villavicencio is married to a U.S. citizen with whom he’s fathered two U.S. citizen daughters, according to ABC 7.

On Tuesday, Villavicenio is due in court.

He’s charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief.

On Monday morning, President Donald Trump bluntly warned of the dangers represented by the growing caravan traveling north through Mexico on its way to the U.S. border — with the apparent intent of many of these people to enter our country illegally.

Michele Blood is a Flemington, New Jersey-based freelance writer and a regular contributor to LifeZette.